The 2018 Soo Film Festival took place September 12-16 at the historic Soo Theatre and Bayliss Public Library in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Festival attendees are asked to choose their favorites by ballot. By audience acclaim, the winning films are:
Best Narrative Feature
Nosferatu Re-Animated, directed by Fran Blackwood
Best Narrative Short
Room Tone, directed by Morgan Cooper
Best Documentary Feature
Intelligent Trees, directed by Julia Dordel, Guido Tölke
Best Documentary Short
Standing Rock Take Me from the River, directed by Denny Rauen
Best Animation
The Old Woman and the Sea, directed by Wolfgang Purkhauser, Paul Vollet, and Franziska Trast
Best Music Video
Le Corps du Délit - “Step by Step, ” directed by Simon Lehembre
Best Student Narrative
Party People, directed by Cristina García Zarzosa (University Camilo José Cela, Madrid, Spain)
Best Student Animation
Butterflies, directed by Abby Boyce (Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL, US)
Best Student Music Video
Oblivion - “See the Sun,” directed by Rachel Goodman (Troy Athens High School, Troy, MI, US)
Best Foreign Narrative Feature
Octav, directed by Serge Ioan Celebidachi (Romania)
Best Foreign Documentary Feature
Intelligent Trees, directed by Julia Dordel, Guido Tölke (Germany)
Best Foreign Narrative Short
A Cup of Happiness, directed by Mehmet Basak (Turkey)
The next Soo Film Festival will take place September 2019.
Soo Film Festival, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and host film and allied arts festivals in the City of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Soo Film Festival, Inc. seeks to showcase the work of independent and emerging filmmakers, especially from the Great Lakes of North America. Our Mission: Great Lakes, Great Movies!
The most up-to-date festival news is online. Find the festival on Facebook at and Twitter at
© 2014-2017 Soo Film Festival, Inc. All rights reserved.